Approaches in Psychology
There are many approaches in psychology which are as follows.
- Developmental psychology
- Industrial psychology
- Child psychology
- Educational psychology
- Cognitive psychology
- Social psychology
- Abnormal psychology
- Clinical psychology
- Counseling Psychology
- Psychology of individual Difference

Developmental psychology
Developmental psychology is a field of psychology that studies the impact of maturational process and understanding on behavior. There are number of vital issues that have been debated throughout the history of developmental psychology.
Developmental psychology consist of subject such as the level to which development occurs through the gradual gathering of knowledge versus stage-like progress, or the level to which children are born with natural mental formation versus learning through practice. Many researchers are involved in the relations between personal character, the individual's performance, and ecological factors with social context, and their contact on development; others take a more closely focused approach.
Industrial psychology
Industrial psychology is a quite new branch of psychology that was formed for firm and association
that needed more composition. Industrial psychology is able to offer this composition by estimating
employee activities for the good of the company. It is frequently called to as organizational
psychology because of its stress on analyzing folks who work for a mixture of organizations.
Basically, industrial psychologists study the activities of workers in a work site.
Even though industrial psychology didn't begin until the 1920's, the regulation has evolved
quickly and changes the workplace within the last century. Because the workplace is a social
system, the function of industrial psychology is valuable in understanding its complication.
Child psychology
Child psychology is one of the branches in psychology and it is the frequently studied special area. This branch in particular focuses on the mind and behaviour of the children form the prenatal growth through youth. Child psychology not only deals with how children grow bodily, but with their psychological, expressive and social progress as well.
Nowadays, psychologists identify that child psychology is unique and multipart, but many differ in terms of the unique angle they take in future development. Specialist also vary in their reaction to some of the bigger questions in child psychology, such as whether early occurrence matter more than later ones or whether nature or cherish plays a greater role in certain part of development.
Educational psychology
Educational psychology and school psychology study how children and adults learn, the effectiveness
of various educational strategies and tactics, and how schools function as organizations. Although the
titles are often used interchanged, researchers and theorists are likely to be identified as educational
psychologists, while practitioners in schools or school-related settings are identified as school
School psychologists focus on the needs of children in school as well as other areas of children's lives
that interact with their school experiences. While educational and school psychology deal with all types
of learners, some school psychologists focus on assisting children with specific difficulties such as
learning disability, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and mood disorder.
Cognitive psychology
Cognitive psychology is the branch of psychology that studies mental processes together with how people
think, perceive, remember and learn. As part of the larger area of cognitive science, this branch of
psychology is related to other regulation including neuroscience, philosophy, and linguistics.
Social Psychology
Social Psychology is the type of psychology which uses the scientific methods to understand the relation
between the thought, feelings, behavior which is influenced by the actual or by other human beings.
Social Psychology has the wide range of social topics which includes the group behavior,
social perception, leadership, aggression and prejudice. Social psychology is not looking things
happening socially it's the social interaction and the social behavior.
Abnormal Psychology
Abnormal psychology studies the character of "psychopathology", its causes, and its
treatments. Of course the definition of what constitutes 'abnormal' has varied across time and across
cultures. Individuals also vary in what they regard as normal or abnormal behavior.
Psychopathology is a term which refers to the study of mental illness or mental suffering or
the sign of behaviours and experiences which may be investigative of mental illness or psychological
Clinical Psychology
Clinical psychology includes the scientific study and appliance of psychology for the purpose of understanding, prevent,
and relieving psychologically-based suffering or dysfunction and to promote prejudiced well-being and
personal improvement. Central to its practice are psychological evaluation and psychotherapy, although
clinical psychologists also fit into place in research, teaching, discussion, forensic testimony, and
program improvement and administration. In many countries clinical psychology is a synchronized mental
health profession.
Counseling Psychology
Counseling psychology is an appliance of the basic professional skills in psychology to a inhabitants
that has been more located in schools rather than hospitals and health center.
Counseling can be seen more collaborative empiricism than something like reparenting like
Psychodynamic psychoanalysis is. Both the counseling psychologist and the client examine what is wrong,
tackle it and then deal with it together. It hub on the present, symptom relief; the past isn't usually
touched on much at all. This is because counseling psychology is done in a much shorter time frame,
12-16 sessions.
Psychology of individual Difference
Individual differences psychology studies the ways in which people differ in their actions.
This is notable from other aspects of psychology in that even though psychology is apparently a study of individuals, modern psychologists invariably study groups. For example, in evaluating the efficiency
of a new therapy, the mean performance of the therapy in one group might be compared to the mean
effectiveness of a placebo (or a well-known therapy) in a second, control, group.